
Tuesday, 31 May 2016


The senior students of St Pius X School went to Tamaki College because we had to participate in this little show which was called “ THE SCIENCE ROADSHOW”. The reason why we had to go to this little show is because we had to try out different kind of science experiments which was pretty fun.

This show was to get our younger students to test out the experiments that were already provided for us. One of my favourite experiments was “WHAT’S IN THE BOX”. The reason why this was my favourite one is because I had to try and feel/discover what was in this dark and mysterious box.

The other students that were with us were trying different kind of experiment like word colour, what’s in the box, speedball and other station that were already provided for us to try.

After a long while at Tamaki College we all had to come back to our seats that we were provided at the beginning. What we had to do is listen to the people that were running the show because they were explaining to us and also showing us some experiments that we could not do.


  1. Wow!!! Joshua what an Improvement in your writing, I enjoyed reading your piece of writing but I would like to know more about how you felt when you had the opportunity to go to the Science Road show Going on at Tamaki College.

    Keep Up the Great Work Joshua

  2. Wow!!! Joshua what an Improvement in your writing, I enjoyed reading your piece of writing but I would like to know more about how you felt when you had the opportunity to go to the Science Road show Going on at Tamaki College.

    Keep Up the Great Work Joshua
